For longtime USM fan’s you already know of 5iLL & his emcee skills as showcased on every USM release to date…so in a way it’s odd but also fitting that instead of a regular rap album the multi- talented 5iLL wanted to bless you with an instrumental album 1st! Son of an accomplished detroit area jazz drummer 5iLL was born with rythym in his bloodstream. Pop’s dna is blissfully reborn and translated into choppin & loopin the wax in this hip-hop day and age. 5iLL uses all types of equipment and methods to make beats with, but he mainly messes with a Fisher Price my first MP (Akai MPC 500) to sample vinyl records and lay live instrumentation over. Skatter Brain Fokus is collection of instrumentals compiled over the past 4 years traveling from machine to computer to machine; city to city to city ; state to state; protools, to cd, to internet, to you. 5iLL has yet to track a single beat properly to this day. His approach to recording is a function of functioning with dis-functional equipment. These beats were created in the zone of creation, without any prior notion as to what it would sound like before. Most of these sequences are unquantized and freestyled with limited editing after.This collection of instrumentals is the beat makers meditation. Scatter brain days pass at a feverish pace, music can bring focus by seperating us from ourselves. Zoneout, Get hype, freestyle, enjoy!
1. Entro 01:02
2. King Heron 01:27
3. Clouds 03:34
4. Jacob Takes A Bike Ride 01:37
5. Shadow Lanterns 02:09
6. Don't Want To Leave 02:24
7. Stop Calling 01:15
8. Can't You See 01:31
9. Mouthy 03:06
10. Outter Planetary 01:21
11. True 03:22
12. Out2Get Even 02:18
13. Driving Me Mad 01:10
14. Speak 02:40
15. The Girl With Rainbow Eyes 01:48
16. Deaf Lepper 01:13
17. Here I am 01:58
18. Brain Freeze 02:09
19. Phor Meta 02:59
20. Foggy Walkers 01:36
21. Conversations 04:29
22. See You Soon... 02:25

لأجود خمات نقل وتخزين الاثاث نقدم لكم افضل شركة نقل عفش بالرياض والتى تقدم خدماتها المتنوعه لكافة العملاء علما بأنها تتميز بالكفاءة والحرفية فى عملية نقل الاثاث المحلى او الدولى حيث تقوم بمهمة النقل من اى مكان داخل الرياض او خارجها وبأسعار وتكاليف مبهره مميزة تناسب الجميع من سكان الرياض , فضلا عن ان الشركة لديها كوادر بشرية من مشرفين وعمال متميزين وبارعين فى مجال نقل وتخزين الاثاث بالاحجام المختلفة والانواع المتعدده وبمزيد من الدقة والامان لاتمام عملية النقل بدون اى اضرار او تلفيات
افضل شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض
اذا كنت بحاجه الى خدمة متميزة لنقل الاثاث فلن تجد افضل من شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض والتى تعتمد على اقوى وافضل سيارات النقل والتحميل والتى تتميز بالقوة والسرعه فى الوصول الى المكان المطلوب فى الوقت المحدد , كما تتميز الشركة بعدة مزايا جعلتها من افضل الشركات العامله فى نقل الاثاث حيث تتمتع ب :
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The Georgian people, or as the Georgians themselves claim as Kartvili, are a people resulting from the amalgamation of the indigenous population with the immigrants to the Caucasus from Anatolia in antiquity.
Some ancient Jewish accounts mention that the Georgians are of the Iberian dynasty, and they were also called Tubal Tubal.
The French historian Jacques de Vitry and the English traveler Sergon Mandeville assert that the name of the Georgians goes back to Saint George.
In the first month of 2004, Georgia adopted the flag containing the five crosses, the flag of Saint George.
The majority of the population in Georgia profess the Orthodox Christian religion with 81.9%, while the Islamic religion constitutes a small percentage of about 9.9% of the total population in Georgia.
Georgia is one of the most attractive countries in the world for tourists around the world, with 103 resorts in different climatic zones of Georgia, more than 12,000 historical and cultural monuments, four of which have been classified by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites (Bagrati Cathedral) in the Kutaisi and Gelati monastery and historical monuments of Mtskheta and upper Svaneti).
Georgia country website
Georgia is an independent state in the South Caucasus region, located on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, bordered to the north by Russia and Chechnya, to the south by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey, and to the west by the Black Sea. Sea.
Georgia map
The map of Georgia occupies a strategic position among the countries of the world, as its territory extends to the summit of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, which are generally known as the border between the European and Asian continents.
Georgia is divided administratively into 12 regions, 69 provinces and two autonomous republics, namely Abkhazia and Ajaria, and is distributed on the Georgian map as follows:
شراء سيارات تشليح The map of Georgia occupies a strategic position among the countries of the world, as its territory extends to the summit of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, which are generally known as the border between the European and Asian continents. شراء سيارات
The Georgian people, or as the Georgians themselves claim as Kartvili, are a people resulting from the amalgamation of the indigenous population with the immigrants to the Caucasus from Anatolia in antiquity.
Some ancient Jewish accounts mention that the Georgians are of the Iberian dynasty, and they were also called Tubal Tubal.
شراء سيارات مصدومة بالسعودية For longtime USM fan’s you already know of 5iLL & his emcee skills as showcased on every USM release to date…so in a way it’s odd but also fitting that instead of a regular rap album the multi- talented 5iLL wanted to bless you with an instrumental album 1st! Son of an accomplished detroit area jazz drummer 5iLL was born with rythym in his bloodstream. Pop’s dna is blissfully reborn and translated into choppin & loopin the wax in this hip-hop day and age. 5iLL uses all types of equipment and methods to make beats with, but he mainly messes with a Fisher Price my first MP (Akai MPC 500) to sample vinyl records and lay live instrumentation over. Skatter Brain Fokus is collection of instrumentals compiled over the past 4 years traveling from machine to computer to machine; city to city to city ; state to state; protools, to cd, to internet, to you. 5iLL has yet to track a single beat properly to this day. His approach to recording is a function of functioning with dis-functional equipment. These beats were created in the zone of creation, without any prior notion as to what it would sound like before. Most of these sequences are unquantized and freestyled with limited editing after.This collection of instrumentals is the beat makers meditation. Scatter brain days pass at a feverish pace, music can bring focus by seperating us from ourselves. Zoneout, Get hype, freestyle, enjoy!
تشليح سيارات تويوتا الرياض
For longtime USM fan’s you already know of 5iLL & his emcee skills as showcased on every USM release to date
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